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What Are the Benefits of Evoke Facial Remodeling Treatments?

What Are the Benefits of Evoke Facial Remodeling Treatments?

Want a rested, more youthful looking appearance, but without the recovery time, expense, and pain of a face lift? Then, you need to check out Evoke facial remodeling treatments. The Evoke Treatment is a revolutionary new treatment that gives you results that compare to surgery, but without the pain. You also avoid that “plastic” look that comes with some surgeries. 

Evoke is a facial remodeling device. The device contours fat in the face and lifts your skin. It tightens, rejuvenates, and slenderizes the facial tissue. The Evoke treatment targets the lower face, tightening up your jawline. 

Evoke facial remodeling works differently than other machines. It penetrates into the dermal layer and into the fibrous bands that provide facial structure. By using thermal radiofrequency, it can penetrate into your facial tissue, shaping them to make your skin look tighter and firmer, reducing your jowls, and sharpening your jawline. 

  • Evoke improves muscle tone
  • Tightens skin
  • Makes skin appear radiant
  • Destroys fat in the lower face, neck, and jowl

In addition, Evoke also increases collagen production. Your body naturally produces collagen, a protein that provides a firm, plump appearance to your skin. As you age, collagen production declines. By stimulating collagen production, Evoke can provide a long-lasting improvement in your skin’s appearance. 

Evoke is a hands-free treatment. You can sit back and relax during your treatments. The average treatment lasts 30 to 45 minutes. While you may notice improvement after your first treatment, it generally takes 3 to 6 treatments for clients to reach their goal of a more sculpted and defined lower face, neck, and jawline. 

No wonder everyone is loving the Evoke Treatment. It has been featured on major news networks, in popular magazines, and in journals focusing on dermatology and facial care. One of the things people adore is Evoke’s ACE technology. 

  • Acquire
  • Control
  • Extend

This technology ensures that no area of your face receives too much or too little treatment. Instead, they are targeted to get the exact results you want, providing you with natural looking results. 

Not sure if Evoke is for you? Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Evoke is designed to target the lower face. You can use it alone or as part of a beauty regime designed to target multiple problem areas. One of our estheticians can develop a program designed to meet all of your needs.

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